Sunday, October 21, 2007

What an adorable little man! This is Matthew, 5 days old! He is the newest Polansky and how lucky he is! I had a great time this morning, snuggling, and enjoying him in his toasty warm home!! He was a good sport, not budging while we moved him from room to room! His big brother was more than happy to get in there to give some love his new little buddy!

Thanks so much for sharing this special time you guys!

(I find it so hard to narrow it down to only show a few images, so here are a bunch!)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Walker Family

I was so excited when the Walker family agreed to shoot at this old farmhouse I found while driving one day! The location was perfect! We had a riot from looking for 'scorpions and snakes' to actually finding a few critters hiding by some barns!!! I will never forget the looks on the faces when the grass started to move and the sound of rustling under their feet was heard!
Thanks for the laughs!!!

Monday, October 8, 2007

This morning was a bit chilly, but that didn't stop us from going out and having some fun in the leaves that have fallen off the trees in the river valley.
I always love spending time with my special guy, "R"!
Can't wait for some more sessions in the months to come!!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

The Boon Family

What an amazing time I had, on a farm near Bruderheim yesterday! Aside from the smell (yuck!!) of the cattle, it was a perfect day! "T" and "J" were great and the kids, well, let's just say they wanted to stick close to mom and dad!
We went everywhere, from the barn filled with hay to the feed lot and corn field!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I am so lucky to be able to do what I love! I met the most amazing kids on Sunday afternoon! "C" kept me on my toes and laughing with his funny faces and great sense of humor and little "S" was just happy to be part of it all - she warmed my heart for sure! "S", thank you for sharing your children with me, I had a great time!

she was just happy to snuggle with mom!