Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Birth-day BOY...

Words can't express the emotion I felt on Sunday. I was so honored to be a part of the labor and birth of Tammy and Mark's third baby! I got the call at 4:00 on Sunday afternoon that Tammy was going to the Westview Health Center in Stony Plain -- she was in labor! With no time to spare because of two previous "fast" deliveries, I raced to meet them there! After meeting up with the parents-to-be-again, we had a chance to get to know one another and had some time to get settled in and to place our "bets"!
I can't tell you what a trooper Tammy was -- you would NEVER know that she was in labor - she showed no sign of being uncomfortable, this is, until her water broke. When she moved into the tub, things happened very fast and just like that, she was ready to have a baby!! Her husband Mark was right by her side and was a great coach and provided her with all the support she needed! The midwife looked on and in no time, Tammy delivered a healthy, baby BOY!
I hope you feel a little bit of the emotion that I experienced.........it was truly amazing!

Tammy stayed focused by looking at her breathing charts and a poster that she had made.

Thanks so much Tammy and Mark for sharing such an intimate time with you! Congratulations!

P.S. -- do you have a name yet????


Moments Photography said...

OH WOW Jana!! Those are truly priceless shots! They really captured the emotion of such an overwhelmingly emotional time!! They are beautiful and I love how you set them up. They will have these to tresure forever!! Beautifully done!!

Alli :)

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